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About me

I love taking photos. Since childhood, I was the family 'photographer'. Using a my parent's Kodak 'flip' camera. (I don't really remember what model. Hey! I was only8-9yrs old back then... =^_^=) My mom and Aunt says I have steady hands. LoL!


I started using DSLR's not too long ago. (2012) Bought my Canon 600D and started exploring new perspectives. Until a friend introduced me to portrait photography. Thats when my interest got deeper and deeper. Learning all there is to know more about photography. (I'm still learning though. There's more genre to explore) Fashion outdoors photoshoot, indoors, theme photoshoot, attended workshops from reknown names is Asian region.


Then another friend introduced me to a bridal co. (Im still grateful for that till today. =^_^=) The Director saw the potential in me to 'shoot' for her clients. I wasn't ready then, and the rest is history.


Now I shift my interest to wedding photography. learning from experienced photographers in this trade and tagging along with them is really an eye opener for me. Since then, it got me more interested. Meeting new people and seeing happy faces of my clients is on their wedding day and capturing their moments is joy. My favourite quote,


"Moments like these are etched in history and will be remembered forever." author unknown.


Let me capture that moments for you. =^_^=

"Moments like this

are etched in history

and will last forever."


Let's talk

Blk. 222 Tampines St. 24


Singapore 521222

Mobile: 93898377

(Available on WhatsApp)

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